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Crane heightening

Raise your cranes—and your capabilities—to new heights

Crane heightening enables you to expand your capability and performance by utilizing your existing assets. Kalmar has the know-how and global capability to heighten any brand of STS crane. Typically, lifting height can be increased by up to four container heights. The crane’s reach can also be extended at the same time. If space at your port is limited,  we can help you to expand vertically with RTG heightening.

Customer cases

Crane jacking

Our specialist jacking equipment can be used to jack up any size of crane safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Before jacking begins, our specialist team begins by checking crane strength and stability, which is influenced by wind loads, quay loading, and load-spreading requirements. You will receive a document describing the process in detail, highlighting the measures we take to ensure safety throughout the jacking process.

RTG and straddle-carrier heightening.

Heightening your RTGs, rail-mounted gantry cranes, or straddle carriers increases their container-stacking capacity, enabling you to expand your terminal vertically without taking up any more space. We’ve helped customers around the world extend their capacities in this way.

STS heightening and boom lengthening.

Heightening an STS crane involves inspecting and reinforcing the crane before jacking it up using our specialized tool. Our crane upgrade experts then install four new columns that extend the crane’s height. We can also extend your STS’s reach by lengthening the boom to enable it to serve wider vessels. We have performed close to 100 STS heightening and boom-extension upgrades for customers all around the world.

Spread your investment with crane lifetime extension.

The average lifetime of an STS crane is around 25 years, depending on the number of moves it performs per year. Cranes that are heightened are typically between 5 and 15 years old. Extending the lifetime of your crane at the same time as increasing its height means you can spread your investment over a longer period. Kalmar experts can analyze your crane’s loadings to determine the weak points where cracks are likely to form, or where they may already exist. Reinforcing these areas can increase your crane’s lifetime by one to two million moves.

We’re here to help

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and how they can support your business.